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I am kinda dreamy and this is one of the reason I can write stories. I strongly believe that life has many amazing things to give you and it depends on the perspective of an individual. I have a positive approach towards life and feels very fortunate to be a women, a daughter, a wife and a mother. I love writing though not regular. This is my own world and I enjoy this space where I can share and express my feelings thoughts. Hope u enjoy reading..Dont forget to comment if you like any article or poem :)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

7 effective ways to improve Spoken English

7 effective ways to improve Spoken English

Hi friends,

Thank you all for appreciating my work and writing. It is really valuable to keep on going. So upon your request I am posting an article below on how one can improve Spoken English skills – effectively. This is purely based on my personal experience so I hope this will help you.

1.       Remove the Taboo

Many of you are might be from a good English medium Or Convent School yet when it comes to speak fluent English we get stuck somewhere or feel underestimated or confused. First and foremost rule is to remove the Taboo of “I am not a good speaker”. You need to give positive vibes to your brain and boost up your confidence. Remember, it’s not a rocket science. So Yes, be assured “you-can-do-it”.

2.       Read, Listen and Watch

                     a) Read : 

Read a lot of English stuff. Newspaper, Magazines or book anyting of your interest but you must read it in English. Reading loud also helps as it stores the information in your memory bank. Do you believe if I say I have a Bhagavad-Gita in English? Yes, I do read it and then I Google the most difficult words.

b) Listen :

In order to improve your spoken English skills you must be a good listener. Listen and observe the other person you are speaking to. You can listen to the news bulletin or listen to English songs. (US/UK accent and pronunciation is a bit difficult at first go but if you are a mad music lover like me then just go and enjoy the songs) The more you listen the more you learn.

c) Watch :

Watch as many English movies, serials or news as you can. Try and convert your TV language into English so that you learn the pronunciation and expression too. I am sure this way you will learn better. I too have set all the cartoon channels to English so my son has no option but to watch his favorite show in English. Believe me it works.

3.       Speak Speak and Speak

Be confident and speak as possible as you can with as many people as you can. Be slow while you talk but pronounce the word correct. Make English conversations, discussions and debates with family, friends or anyone you are comfortable with. Don’t be shy; it is perfectly okay to make mistakes. The more you practice the better and more confident you will become in vocabulary and pronunciation. Remember, speaking is like a skill of learning a musical instrument or any new sport. The only way you get good is actually do it.

4.       Word Power Bank  (WPB)

In my English classes I always advised children to build their own WPB. Make a note of every new word you learnt and practice using it. Choose a word you want to learn and play with it by making different sentences. You can use a notebook or an excel sheet to track your word list. This way you will build a strong WPB for yourself.

5.       Learn new words everyday

Learn minimum 3 to 5 words daily. Find the definition and try to frame them into sentences as I said above. See how you can use them differently. This way you are not only learning the words but the sentences too. You can pick them from your WPB while conversing.

6.       Tune your thought process into English

When we think in mind what is to be said we generally use our mother tongue since it looks more convenient. We then convert our thoughts into English and deliver. This is a bit lengthy process and you might struggle to pick right word and get stuck. Now let’s tune the thought process into English and see how it works. Don’t worry for the grammar part just arrange the words and form the sentence. By practicing this regularly (alone or with anyone) you will deliver the conversation with a smooth flow.

7.       Use technology

Technology has made life much easier. Google any new word and learn the definition, see how it is to be pronounced. You can also check the synonyms and antonyms of your word.

If you practice these all soon you will be perfect and fluent.

So give a try and please post comments on my blog if you really find this article useful.

Stay rocking and keep the spirit high

           Dec 2nd 2016


  1. Lovely write-up.... Your post leaves no point which should be followed by a beginner or a person who is hesitant to speak English untouched. What a lovely way to express, explain and of course help the keen learners. And I loved your idea of adding pictures to the write up... Pictures support a person's memory in an excellent way... Wow.. Snehal.. Keep writing your work

  2. Thank you for the appreciation Divya it helps to keep going on. Your words made my day ;) love n hugs!!!

  3. Snehal I am actually liking reading on and on ... Please continue blogging. I am getting so many new things to learn from you
