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I am kinda dreamy and this is one of the reason I can write stories. I strongly believe that life has many amazing things to give you and it depends on the perspective of an individual. I have a positive approach towards life and feels very fortunate to be a women, a daughter, a wife and a mother. I love writing though not regular. This is my own world and I enjoy this space where I can share and express my feelings thoughts. Hope u enjoy reading..Dont forget to comment if you like any article or poem :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Perfect date with a Perfect Man!!!

Perfect date with a Perfect Man!!
Many many Congratulations to Preeti for her upcoming book. I am so excited to receive my Pre-order signed copy.  :)
This article “Perfect date” has been written for “Touch – Thursday 4” Prompt. Thanks Preeti!!!

I am missing him. Miss talking with him for long hours. Miss those evening hang outs with him. It’s decided today I wouldn’t accept any of his excuses. I text him “Hey handsome, would you like to date your girlfriend this eve??” and within next 5 minutes I received his reply “Why not sure! Looking forward to meet her after real long”. I was overjoyed and without wasting a single minute I started planning for my date since I had small amount of time in hand.
I then called his favourite restaurant and booked a perfect table for two for a candle light dinner. I then moved straight towards the wardrobe and took real good time to select my outfit. He usually likes me in Saree so I choose the black satin saree with the red border on it. It’s pretty simple for a girl to plan a date coz she only has to make sure to look stunning... rest chocolates, flowers, gifts, romantic songs etc is all a boy’s headache ;)
I reached his office by 5 pm sharp as decided. When I got down from car and was waiting for him in a lobby, I noticed many people were staring at me. It was awkward but I guess I was looking "extra" beautiful that could attract the people around.  And There I saw my Mr. Perfect walking towards me. At first he was guessing if its reelly me or not. And as soon as he was confirmed, I saw a broad smile covering his tiring face . We hugged each other gently. I knew he was watching me over and over again but I smartly ignores while I also enjoyed the whole scene. He questioned me about the eve plan and I assured him it’s gonna be special and will be memorable for us.
I then drove towards the riverside where we usually spent time together. Old memories like quick waves touched our mind one after another. That laughter on silly jokes, smiles after those crying sessions, serious talks after those family melodramas, long discussion on career and dreams, some commitments and promises...everything just everything. We sat there holding hands and eyewitness the sunset spreading many colours of joy in the sky and in our lives too. We didn’t miss eating ‘chat-puri’ one of the best street foods ever.
From there we moved to a further long drive. I love driving car with some good music on. We were avoiding the regular talks b'coz romance was in the air. Some time I just love the silence between us. Without communicating a single word yet heart hears everything.  We were exchanging looks and I was blushing as if I am on my first date. After almost a good 40 minutes drive, we finally reached to the restaurant outskirt to the city. As we entered inside, the song “Nothing gonna change my love for you” whispers in my ears. I felt like letting him know how much he means to me and just like this song my love is endless for him. He pulled out the chair for me and we settled down on our perfect corner table. It was away from the crowd and just as quiet and peaceful as we always like. He usually looks tired after a daylong working but this evening he is looking spanking, may be coz of me, my love. After all he was on a date with a wonderful girl. We toast our glasses of his favorite red wine.... Three cheers for our love and togetherness.  We talked about random things about places and movies to watch. He was enjoying the music and happen to asked me for a dance.  And yes, to my surprise we did dance...after many years...and while dancing that close to each other he didn’t miss the opportunity to let me know how pretty I was looking and plant a softest kiss on my cheeks.
After some dance we were really hungry so went back the table set with his favourite Thai food. 
So overall I was successful to add some spices to his boring office life and make him over joy with this romantic date.  I wish that evening would have no end.
It’s off course necessary to work hard to retain you into the competitive world but sometime spending some quality time with your loved ones increase your passion and strength to keep moving with the zeal. It’s just the sheer and chaste love that you two share, express it..share it!
On the way back my boy friend (who is also my husband and a father to my 5 yrs old son now)...expressed how cheerful he is feeling with my little efforts of this date. He also thank me for giving him a break from his busy schedule and bring his girlfriend out for him no wonder that now she has multiple roles of a wife, a mother, a daughter in law.
When I think about my husband, I would say nothing but “Uffff”. His busy day starts from 5 am when he gets up and goes for a morning walk. And by 7.30 am he goes to office and then entire day we are on “whatsapp”. (I genuinely thank “whatsapp” to at least keep us close to talks) During the busy day he has meetings to attend. Meet vendors, contractors, negotiate, signing deals, a lot of travelling every fortnight. Deal with difficult people and situation all alone. He can only be home by 8 pm, at times more than that. Sometimes even Sunday gets snatch from us. I know he hates it just the way I do but he never complaints but complete the given task.
All these years I have seen him growing mentally, professionally and some of physically ;). I understood that big position just doesn’t come alone but it walks with lots of stress, tension, responsibilities n compromises... so off course for a 6 digit salary you have to pay back beyond the limits.
This was my perfect date with my perfect man...just to express gratitude for his ever green love, care and support. Thank him to be a perfect friend and husband and a sweet father too. It’s not always necessary to date someone for the first time instead your date the same man again with the feeling of first date. Every date would make the love bond even stronger and who knows you will fall in love with him just one more time.
So what...we are too much busy these days and don’t get time to talk as much as we used to, don’t get plenty of time to spend together we still can plan such surprising dates. Just you and him together...
This time I asked him for a date and next would be his turn and as I told you girls has nothing to do except looking beautiful and steal his heart away. Rest everything will be taken care by your partner.
What say?? Plan your allows you to feel all those happy moments you may have missed in all this years...Grab them back, they are all yours!!!


  1. Good one. Liked these lines "I understood that big position just doesn’t come alone but it walks with lots of stress, tension, responsibilities n compromis" ! - So true!
