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About Me

I am kinda dreamy and this is one of the reason I can write stories. I strongly believe that life has many amazing things to give you and it depends on the perspective of an individual. I have a positive approach towards life and feels very fortunate to be a women, a daughter, a wife and a mother. I love writing though not regular. This is my own world and I enjoy this space where I can share and express my feelings thoughts. Hope u enjoy reading..Dont forget to comment if you like any article or poem :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Long lost friend....!!!

Sometimes how an ordinary day just turns to be extra-ordinary when an old lost friend knocks you unexpectedly. And then memories bring you back right there where it all started and carried throughout the years.

Like any other day I was all absorbed reading the book this afternoon, it’s when I got a notification on my cell. I casually ignored considering it as some forwarded message. But when one after another I almost got 16 messages, I felt the urge to check it on.....And to my surprise those were ‘her’ messages…my long lost friend Reena. My eyes quickly ran through the messages and I started replying her with a biggest smile sticker on my face.

After she shifted to India it’s almost the first time we directly interacted. Emotions were hurriedly running through my entire body. There was so much to share, so much to say and listen, a lot to laugh about…We were so excited and eager to listen from each other. I remember the time when she was the only one to listen me...listen about my problems...listen me sobbing and at times listen my silence...this time its obviously my turn. Though I had many questions for her, wanted to scold her for not replying my emails and calls, I was still not angry with her. I guess that’s the beauty of our friendship. I wanted her to talk and take me through all those years when I was not around. And just then my wet eyes have cleared the concept of "khushi ke aansoo" :)

You know what a friend is – is the one you feel comfortable with, is the one to go informal with, is the one you feel relax talking anything and everything, is the one holds your hand in difficult times, is the one contributing her share without any demands, is the one whom u call when you “really” need someone, is the one who stays in your life even though staying miles away from you.

She complimented me for getting changed in many aspects carrying the same-old-heart. I then thought does the friendship get changed as the time passes by? If it changes then is he or she can still be called your "friend"?? And how does distance matters? Can you forget your friend who meant a lot to you once upon a time? A friend who supports  you, guides you, who laughs on your silly stupid jokes, who understand your feelings, who stays back in office until you finish up your work, who drops you to the bus stop and waits until you catches your bus, who loves your bike riding, who loves shopping with you on Sunday’s, who share every single secret with you with the blind folded trust, who never say NO to you for any damn thing, who never forgets to hug you every time you meet her... who could not take a part in your happiness always but she surely stands by you when you are facing any difficult phase in life. Who feels your pain and holds your hand to assure that things will soon be okay and that she is always there for you…That is ‘her’ to can I ever forget those years we spent together.

I want to hug her tight just like old days. and talk for hours just like old her like we were never apart...say sorry for not being there when she needed me :(

My day has come to an end grabbing all those old memories with lot many pages to read more and more over a new chapter begins here with some more characters to the story.

All I know, A real friend welcomes you with the same smile and warmness even after years later. Such special people always remain special and nobody else can replace them just like two of us.

Much Love,


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