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I am kinda dreamy and this is one of the reason I can write stories. I strongly believe that life has many amazing things to give you and it depends on the perspective of an individual. I have a positive approach towards life and feels very fortunate to be a women, a daughter, a wife and a mother. I love writing though not regular. This is my own world and I enjoy this space where I can share and express my feelings thoughts. Hope u enjoy reading..Dont forget to comment if you like any article or poem :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

“How you start your day is how you live your life”

The first hour of the morning is crucial. You may be really tired last night and feel to sleep for some more time. You feel lethargic but you need to follow your schedule. How you spend it will determine your experience for the rest of the day. Too many people start their day with “oh, shit! It’s another day and I’ve got to get up, damn it!" If you have got lousy way of starting your day, you are not going to have a good start ever. 

Never get up from bed carrying the old bad memories of last night. Get up with the full energy and positive vibrations inside you to brush away the impair thoughts. Be confident with yourself, it’s about proving yourself that nothing can agitate you from being successful. If you feel regret for your past mistakes, keep calm before jumping on the conclusion.  Analyze it and find out the solution in order to wind up the issue to make things on track again. This way you come out of it or else it will keep on torturing you. 

Try this out, the moment you are up, snuggle your body a little more into bed and thank the bed for a good night’s sleep. Tell yourself this is going to be a really good day. Take little more time stretching your body. Make a cuppa of Tea/coffee and enjoy it sitting at your favorite place be it on your bed or any corner or window of your house. Like I love sitting in the balcony chair. Spend some good time breathing the fresh air’s aroma. See how the sun is shining and spreading light everywhere. It smiles at me saying this is your day as brighten as my rays. One more wonderful day to live…one more day to fulfill my wishes…one more day to achieve my goals…one more day with a chance to prove myself that I can make anything possible.

Give yourself at least 2 hours of each morning before you face the people. This will help you deal in much better way. In the mean time do something good which makes you feel cheerful. Do some good yoga it makes your feel fresh. Do reading or glancing through the newspaper or try your hands on puzzles to stretch your mind or just talk to your partner/friend. As you starts the communication (with or without topic) it makes one feel good. Really good…After this go make a delicious break-fast, make sure to make it healthy coz it will boost your energetic day and then go get ready. 

While even getting ready keep giving yourself the positive affirmations that whatever you would do today will surely turn out to be good. Be positive and be focused. This way you will learn the art to never have a BAD day. It’s all about developing good habits and practices. Think of good things to say to yourself, the first thing in the morning.

As you are all set for moving out for your office, make sure you greet and say bye to your loved ones back at home. Hug them…you can feel the warmness of their love and care throughout the day. 

Believe me each passing day is an opportunity for you. Never miss to bring out the best out of it so one fine day you won’t regret coz these days will NEVER return back to you. It’s in your hand whether to see the positive side or the negative one. 

Remember, The best helping hands are at the end of your own arms. Don't be dependent on anybody to make you feel happy, help yourself. Be cheerful, bring smile on other faces, make yourself feel good and believe….believe in yourself. 

All the very best folks. Lets be more positive and find happiness :)